Anne Yanaitis
Shoe Guru
Anne has been with TRP for close to five years now. Her focus at the shop is shoe and sports bra fittings. Her connection to running didn’t start until a little later in life. “I grew up with parents who ran and were good athletes but I didn’t start running consistently until I was 33, when my daughter Grace was born. I started by mapping out a 3-mile route and I would run it unil I had to walk. One day I was able to run the whole way!”
“My favorite running moment was to place 1st woman in my hometown YMCA Turkey Trot. I won a pie! It’s the same race that I have a certificate for coming in last place as a pre-teen!”
“Probably my Garmin watch. I love seeing the miles add up. I also wear gloves up to 60 degrees!”

“It would be fun to do a trail run out west with my brothers. I think that’s a great goal.”

"I love being outside hiking, biking and cross-country skiing."
“I think it would be fun to travel and work in the National Parks when I retire.”